What is this for?
We want to inform you about the Danish Anti-Money Laundering Act (Lov om forebyggelse af hvidvask) and our obligations arising from it. It is important to us that your personal information is kept safe while we comply with legal requirements.
Purpose of the Act: The Anti-Money Laundering Act aims to detect and prevent the financial activities of criminals and terrorist groups. This law requires financial and other service providers, including our company, to take measures to prevent such activities from going unnoticed.
KYC (Know Your Customer) Principle: The law mandates the application of the KYC (Know Your Customer) principle. Through this, we collect your data to ensure that you are a legitimate client and that our services are not being used for criminal purposes.
Why We Collect Your Data:
Identification: Checking your identity and address helps prevent money laundering and terrorism financing.
Monitoring Financial Transactions: We track the transactions you make to prevent activities related to criminal offenses.
Compliance with Laws: The Skattestyrelsen (Danish Tax Agency) and the Finanstilsynet (Danish Financial Supervisory Authority) oversee our compliance with laws and regulations.
Security of Your Data: We handle all data securely and store it only for the necessary time, in accordance with the Danish Data Protection Act (Lov om behandling af personoplysninger).
Consequences: If we fail to meet our legal obligations, severe penalties and sanctions can be imposed.
What do you need to do?
We need your assistance to collect all the documents we are legally obliged to store.
For this purpose we are using a service, called Fflow, through which we have already reached out to you.
Ideally, from Fflow you have received two mails, one for your personal documents and another one for your business documents.
Using the link and PIN kode in your email, please upload all documents you are asked for and notify us if something is still missing or if you have technical or other difficulties with doing so.
What is the deadline?
There is no particular deadline, but we ask you to help us by providing the necessary documents as soon as possible, at least the ones you have, and indicate the ones you do not.
We really appreciate your timely assistance.
What documents will you need?
Personal documents
Sundhedskort: the yellow card containing your CPR number
CPR number: you will need to enter your CPR number manually into Fflow
Pas/kørekort: ideally you should upload whichever you are asked for, but any kind of photo ID will suffice
Business documents
Kundeaftale: this means your contract with us, should you be missing it, please indicate it via [email protected]. You don’t need to CC our info@ address, the assistant will be enough. We will prepare the contract for you and send it out for signing.
Samtykkeerklæring: this is our GDPR agreement, which you should acknowledge by signing it.
CVR udskrift: this can be obtained by you, by doing the following steps:
- Go to cvr.dk
- Search for your company with name or CVR number
- On your company page, on the right, look for the box “Dine handlinger”
- Click on “Gem som PDF”
- Select “PDF” under “Gem alt”
- The download of your CVR udskrift has just started, now you just need to upload it to Fflow.
Document samples for download
You can download our Samtykkeerklæring here
Still stuck?
If you still have technical or other difficulties with uploading or finding your documents, please reach out to us on [email protected].